
Showing posts from 2019

The Fair Way

Recently played at this course.  As my golf partner was driving us to the next Tee box, I asked him to stop a moment so I could take in this view.  In this moment, the golf game never entered my thoughts, only the beauty of my surroundings. I continue to be surprised at all the life lessons this game has taught me over the past 6 years.  Ben Hogan was spot on,  " as you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round."
"You are so brave".  I have made several major life changes over the past several years, and I often hear those four words.  I am more inclined to think of it as having faith.  Having yourself..knowing that all is well in the moment.  Don't misunderstand, I've been anxiety ridden and down right scared out of my mind during many of those changes.  It "ain't" easy.  It is possible. I left a job Dec 29, 2018 because integrity was worth more than any paycheck.  I had no idea what I would do. I only knew what I would not do.  By Feb 1, I had sold my house (to a family member which made it much easier). I secured a new job and moved into an apartment in the city that was part of a compensation for my new employment as a residential counselor.  I was able to pay off my debt and start a new adventure.  I gave away much of what I had accumulated and only took what would fit in a three room apartment.  The anxiety turned into...
Blessings for Marriage So very young She was swept off her feet By someone who was so underserving... I could only sit back and wait to pick up the pieces, Which I did over and over again. His unfaithfulness left her bent But not broken She emerged a Phoenix  You capatured the heart of this beautiful bird And let her go once before Will you be blinded again? I think not.  You know what you almost lost forever,  And you know the struggles of your families cultural discontent You also know that your heart is only complete when joined with hers I know that her love is true And her heart is stronger when joined with yours And that is why I give you my blessing.  Her heart is already yours.


Transformation may sometimes be painful, confusing, frightening and breathtaking. What comes out on the other side is health, wholeness, excitement and breathtaking. The sensation of the later is the reward for the former. Hold on for the ride, breathe in and out slowly as you navigate the unknown with eyes wide open.


Strong roots are helpful.  No matter what comes along, strong roots keep you upright.  You may bend as you face adversity or you may struggle to keep from falling as you grow.  Your roots are entangled in such a way that they are perfect supports.  No matter how far you go from them, they remain steadfast.