
"Nani, I'm stuck"...remembering when my small grand daughter had fallen and hit her head...the ambulance came and strapped her to a gurney and transported her to the hospital...when I reached her in the E.R. , she still had straps holding her still until a Doctor could come and examine her. Her proclamation to me was evidence of her resolve to the fact she could not move...she was "stuck"

Escaping any reprecutions from her fall, she eventually got "unstuck" and had a full recovery.  Most people are not as lucky.  We all seem to get stuck at some point or several points during our lives. Days, weeks, years go by...like a hamster on a wheel.  We get stuck in our jobs, our relationships, our heartbreaks, our habits....mostly unpleasant situations.  I've never heard anyone talk about being stuck in their glory, joy, or happiness.  Stuck defined: "caught or held in a position so that you cannot move. get stuck."   In my grand daughters case, she only needed the doctor to realease her and she was no longer stuck.  We all must acknowledge what is causing us to be stuck, confront it and then find what it is that will release us from being stuck. It takes action. It takes the sincere desire to become un-stuck.  Some people like being stuck...it's security...at least they know what to expect.  

Not me, not anymore.  Each year since my marriage ended(which by the way was something I was stuck in) I have been determined to create challenges in my life so I can avoid "stuckness".   It does' matter what it is, change jobs, new hobbies, new relationships...it truly only takes action...and before you know it, you'll be un-stuck.  Now get the fly-paper off your feet and Giddiup,


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