
Showing posts from 2017

Hang on

Hanging on Hanging on by a thread or is it more like  being suspended in mid air when you aren't sure of what is coming next when you are no longer one of a pair Hanging on by a thread or is it the removal of unnecessary strands that gives the freedom to move lightly through till the day you will softly land

Look Deeper

Most shy from direct contact From this rather small stature of a man His bite is worse than his bark And engagement is not desired Take a moment more And see a man riddled with cancer Who would never tell you Of his personal battle to survive His focus remains on securing The safe loving future Of an adult child who will alway need care As her ability to take care of herself was taken at birth Excuses won't penetrate him As results in his favor is what he seeks He demands to be asssured That she will continue to be nurtured Most should engage contact With this rather small stature of a man His love is hidden deep but larger than life itself Desire to look deeper is needed
"Even the most beautiful things can be stirred up at their core" - Pam Ford
Life...a flash in the journey Keep your eyes open Your heart filled Your mind useful
Aunt Marge Faithfully Departed Gracefully strong Selfless heart Enlightened humor In our hearts..never gone.. God speed my dear Aunt


Chemistry Unexplained with no reason Automatic response Drug like reaction that Promotes instability in your universe Makes colors brighter when its present Only to turn your world grey when its gone Unexplained with no reason Automatic response

Unlikely Spring Day

Unlikely spring day more like the edge of winter lurking in my heart a glow of warmth struggling to keep it there

Pressurized Living

 Watched a Janis Joplin documentary tonight...47 years has passed since she overdosed on Heroin at the age of 27.  The end of the documentary had a clip of John Lennon sharing his insight on drug use.  Noting  that the societal problems that lead to drug abuse are the real issue, Lennon asks. “Is there something wrong with society that’s making us so pressurized that we can’t live in it without guarding ourselves against it?” People take drugs and drink so they don’t feel what’s going on around them.”    So much has changed since 1970 , yet has it really?   What is the root?   So much of our emphasis is on recovery instead of prevention.  I believe  the feeling of inadequacy dwells within us and to the greater degree in some more than others.  Why?  Why do people lose hope, faith, feel unloved.  I don't have the answers.  Sometime I just want to slap the world off it's axis as to jolt it into complete shock. ...


"Nani, I'm stuck"...remembering when my small grand daughter had fallen and hit her head...the ambulance came and strapped her to a gurney and transported her to the hospital...when I reached her in the E.R. , she still had straps holding her still until a Doctor could come and examine her. Her proclamation to me was evidence of her resolve to the fact she could not move...she was "stuck" Escaping any reprecutions from her fall, she eventually got "unstuck" and had a full recovery.  Most people are not as lucky.  We all seem to get stuck at some point or several points during our lives. Days, weeks, years go a hamster on a wheel.  We get stuck in our jobs, our relationships, our heartbreaks, our habits....mostly unpleasant situations.  I've never heard anyone talk about being stuck in their glory, joy, or happiness.  Stuck defined: " caught or held in a position so that you cannot move. get  stuck ."   In my grand daughters ...