
Showing posts from 2025

Rise Like the Phoenix

                                                                  Fattoria Santo Stefano           photo credit Pamela Ford Green                                                                                                        Italy was breathtaking in so many ways. Nothing more beautiful than the sunset looking over the vineyard. In the dead of winter, back home in New England, I struggle to feel the warmth and beauty of it all. There are only days now, before the country that I love, hands over the ultimate power to a vindictive,  ...

Just Be



photo credit; Pamela Ford Green                                        2025 On my recent excursion to Animal Kingdom with my youngest grandchildren, I noticed these colorful pieces of cloths hanging from ropes among some trees. After a little research I discovered that in certain cultures, hanging cloths on trees serves as a form of offering a prayer, leaving a message for spirits or deities or for making a wish. I further learned they are called Clootie trees.     So, on this second day of the year 2025, I am posting this picture for you, the reader.  I pray that you will live each day of the new year to the best of your ability. I ask that the angels, the spirits, your deity to protect and guide you. Lastly, I wish for you love, laughter and health as you travel through the year ahead.