There is a sacredness in tears, They are not the marks of weakness, but of power. They are messengers of unspeakable love. Washington Irving (1783-1859) I have not been able to write about this until now. My father left this world early in the morning on December 4, 2022. I was holding him in my arms, trying to keep him upright so he could breathe easier. His other children, close by, holding his hand, telling him they loved him, watching in disbelief at what was happening. My mom, his wife of 73 years, lay in bed next to him, holding his hand not ever wanting to let go. I remember being surrounded by silence after his last breathe, then quiet sobbing and then slowly everyone filtered out of the room. My brother and I lay my Dad's body down in the middle of the bed and gently covered him, just as if he were sleeping. I left the room for a moment and as I came back I saw my brother, my Dad's only son, sitting on the bed, bent over and hugging his...