
Showing posts from 2020

"I can't breathe"

I woke up and set my intentions for the day.  I was off to an outdoor yoga class and then I thought I was going to be helping paint my daughters living room.  As it turned out, my daughter was bringing the kids to a Black Lives Matter protest downtown.  I thought for a moment and realized that I wanted to go along in case she needed me to help with the kids. As we walked towards the protest, my grandkids carried their signs with pride.  My nine year old grand daughter was old enough to understand and verbalize, that she was doing this to support a cause. She later stated, "All people are equal and Black lives matter."  My four year old grandson was less verbal but none the less was engaged with the energy that surrounded us.   Despite their age difference, these two are quite close.  Sure, they argue like most siblings, but they defend each other fiercely.  They are both products of a biracial marriage,  my grand daughter inheriting he...
Pammiepinksunglasses So here it is... the why.  With this picture as evidence, Pammie Pink Sunglasses was born. Pink Sunglasses Hiding behind them for confidence Wearing hand spun clothes Made from the hands of a well intentioned mother Pink Sunglasses Do I look like a movie star? Is anyone looking Why can't they see me? Pink Sunglasses Ever since we got to New York It's Pamela this, Pamela that Why did she have to come anyway. Pink Sunglasses I look good they're just jealous Can we go shopping?
My brother paperdolls endless teasing gut wrenching laughter birth of my first born by my side holding my hand endless talks taking my side staying through the tears growing old endless teasing gut wrenching laughter
" Lighthouses symbolize  the way forward and help in navigating our way through rough waters ...whether those waters be financial, personal, business or spiritual in nature. Nothing else speaks of safety and security in the face of adversity and challenge quite the way a  lighthouse does ." So,  for many reasons, it is fitting my 26 day journey ended here at the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse.  Having this time with family and friends has truly been a gift I will be forever grateful.   A year ago, I started a new journey, leaving behind a predictable but stress inducing life. Continuing down the path of minimalism and seeking time instead of things. When doubt creeps in for any reason, I remind myself that I am exactly where I am suppose to be minute..for now.  I continue to embrace change, to be open to what comes next and to do my best to not fall into complacency. As I close my eyes tonight, I wonder what tomorrow will bring.